Tuesday, August 27, 2013

God's Vision Changes You

"Whether I saw a vision of Jesus that windswept day or whether it was only something in my mind, I do not know. It doesn't matter. For I do know that it was a profound spiritual experience and that I have not been quite the same person since. I believe that I take my faith more seriously. I like to think that I'm more forgiving than I used to be. As that centurion learned 2,000 years ago, I too have found that you simply cannot come close to Jesus without being changed."

--Ernest Borgnine on the set of Jesus of Nazareth

When you get a vision from God, there is no way to escape it. He will poke and prod moving you ever higher to become all He wants you to be. Vision is change. God sees you as you are and chooses to prepare you for His plan for you. Vision is more than a dream or a plan, it is seeing God and knowing you will never be satisfied with less than His purpose. Once you see the vision of God, you will never be satisfied with less. It is your working His vision into your life that gives you your greatest fulfillment.

Because of all that happened to Isaiah and his beloved country, he lost his understanding of God. Isaiah had become complacent in his relationship drawing him into sin. It was then that God showed up, gave Isaiah a vision of Himself, Isaiah repented. He then knew there was more to life than moping and complaining. Life is about God, His plans, and His purpose.

Whenever there is a vision, there is always a call to action. So, God calls,

"Who should I send? Who will go for Us?"

To which Isaiah gives the only answer he could,

"Here I am. Send me." (Isaiah 6:8 HCSB)

God has used us to reach the 10's. Now, we believe He is calling us to reach the 100's.

God is calling.Are you available?

Pastor Trey Rhodes


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