Thursday, February 14, 2013

You Have One Chance at This (and time is not on your side)

For years we've said things like "Nobody's perfect" or "God gives second chances" or "If at first you don't succeed...try, try again." While all of these comments may be true in theory, truth be told, we can no longer rest on the laurels of God's mercy; we must strive to fulfill His standard as families. Instead of recognizing these principles as God's mercy, we tend to make them excuses.

You see, God has already given us the tools we need with clear instructions on how to use them. God cares deeply for your home and wants it to be all it was intended to be. God never intended for our families to be some sort of cultural experiment that can change year to year or generation to generation.

Our families are the building block of civilization. It is why one of the first things God established was the family in general and marriage in particular. Listen to the words of God Himself:

This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 HCSB)

The family was established before Israel, before the Church, before government, before any other social organization or governing authority. It was where God, in all of His infinite wisdom, chose to establish the most important priority. Now, we tend to place more emphasis on our jobs, our friends, our politics, or our interests. For whatever reason, we think that all the other things come before our family. It is almost as if we think our families are indestructible. We assume that they will survive without nurture or sustenance. When we do that, it is our loss. As God prioritized, so must we. Otherwise the statistics of child abuse and neglect, divorce, teenage suicide, domestic violence, and the like, will continue to rise.

It is up to you and me to begin to say that we will have a godly, determined, and grace-filled family. The kind of family that those in our culture want to become like. The kind of homes that people come away from with more of God as a part of their lives. Homes where husbands love their wives (Ephesians 5:25). Wives respect their husbands (Ephesians 5:33). Children obey their parents (Ephesians 6:1). A home where grace is in abundant supply (Ephesians 1:6). That is the kind of place God wants us to have.

So, you can see why it is the most important place on earth. We have one chance. Time is not on our side. Start being the kind of home God wants. Begin today.

Pastor Trey Rhodes

Modern Family Series Continues this Sunday - From "Leave it to Beaver’s" Cleavers to "Modern Family’s" Pritchetts, TV producers have been offering us models of what the modern family is for years, but is that what it should be? Many of us have realized neither model works. Let’s be honest, all we really want is a family that works. Families may have changed, but God's principles about the family haven't. Join us at Oceanside Church for a real-life journey into seemingly revolutionary concepts that have worked for thousands of years, and still work today. The style of the modern family may have changed, but the way to have a great modern family hasn’t.

Churchwide Dinner Honoring Pastor Ivey, Allie and their children - On their last Sunday, we will be sending this wonderful family off to seminary with a special service and dinner. Meat will be provided. Please bring cold drinks, a side dish, and dessert. Plan now to attend on Sunday February 24th right after church.

RVGC Video Game competition - 6 p.m. Friday Night February 22. ALL STUDENTS INVITED. If you want to compete, there is a $5 entry for the Super Smash Brothers competition. $75 grand prize. Total purse to be awarded, $150.



Oceanside Church Online - Did you miss the message this past Sunday? Need some exhortation for the coming week? We've got just what you're looking for. Follow this link to find a message that will touch your heart and encourage your walk at Oceanside Church Online


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