Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Have You Been Blessed? Then, Be a Blessing

Do you think like I do? Sometimes I wonder, why has God blessed me so much? Over and over again, I have seen him come through in my life and ministry. I am blessed to be alive. I am blessed to be preaching. I am blessed to be born in a free country. I am blessed to be able to walk and talk. I am blessed with a wonderful, loving wife. I am blessed to have an incredible family that loves and serves God. I am blessed to have God's word so I can hear from Him and know His mind. I am blessed to have a good education. I am blessed to have godly parents. I am blessed to have a wonderful, supportive, praying, serving, giving church.

Why would God do this for me? I believe He blessed my because He loves me. I also believe He blessed me to be a blessing. Too often, I believe that we simply want to bask in His blessing. But, it is His desire to spread it around. Is there anyway I can? I truly want as many as is humanly possible to have the kind of life that I have. But, there is one thing they cannot have unless someone tells them. As you know, this life might not be as comfortable as you and I have. But, there is one thing we can assure others of, that eternity can be theirs. That is the blessing we can give to many. It is something that will last for all eternity. That kind of blessing will never change nor disappear. See what I'm talking about by listening to the following video testimony of Jeremy Smith who gave his life to Christ at our last festival.

This is what you can do to be a part of changing lives, like Jeremy's...right now...beginning today. How?

1. Pray for God to touch the lives of those who don't have a relationship with Him.

2. Tell the people around you what God has done for you and what He can do for them.

3. Invite people to church so they can hear (if you don't go to a church that introduces them to Christ, you need to start going to one that does)

4. Give sacrificially so that God's work can touch lives.

Jesus said it this way, "It is more blessed to give that to receive." (Acts 20:35)

We are blessed to be a blessing! It is not about consumption, nor getting ahead, nor surviving, nor even saving for a rainy day. It is about being a blessing to others...for all of eternity, and hat happens when you get involved.

As most of you know, Oceanside Church is working and planning diligently to bless our community in ways like we have never seen before through the Kinetic Festival. We want to begin it all by meeting in the gorgeous fall weather under a cabana starting the first week in October. Then, we want to bring the Strength Team and Johnathan Elrod for the weekend of October 19-21. We will then move to our annual Trunk or Treat and ScareMare weekend. Finally, we want to close with a huge final celebration on November 4th on Sunday morning for everyone we've been inviting and reaching with the Good News of Christ.

Is that something you'd like to be a part of? Then...

  • Pray - God has a strong affinity to doing what His people ask Him for. So ask.
  • Get involved - We need lots of help. From work teams to counseling teams to hospitality teams, plus lots more. Ask how you can help.
  • Give now - Because there are many decisions that need to be made that have to do with finances, we are at the point where God's people are going to have to commit by giving financially. This can happen as we are willing to support with our giving. We need to have $2000 given in the next week. Will you pray about being a part of our giving team?
Therefore, we will be allowing time this Sunday morning to do these three things because we believe God is leading us to make a difference to people around that are hurting, struggling, and spiritually needy. It is that important.

So, we are asking you to give by this Sunday, September 9 if possible and the latest by next Wednesday, September 12 at close of business. Your gift matters!

Commit and Give now to www.KineticFestival.com

If you are willing to give, please email, text or call me to let me know so we can all get excited and see the energy God is providing through His people for the Kinetic Festival. Then, everyone join us for this incredible opportunity to reach many for Jesus. You can make a difference for all of eternity.

Text or call me 843-345-7418

E-mail me contact@myoceansidechurch.com

Pastor Trey Rhodes

www.MyOceansideChurch.com for our webite

MyOceansideChurch.podbean.com for most audio messages


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