Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Pursuit of Amanda Knox

Pursuit is for one of at least two reasons: 1) You really want what you're going after...like a boy pursuing a girl (or vice versa); or 2) You want to catch what you're going after. Like a defensive tackle pursuing the quarterback. The story of the week echoes both of those reasons. We have seen it played out in the media over these last few years as Amanda Knox endured incessant pursuit by the Italian prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini. As you should know by now, Knox was acquitted by an Italian appeals court because of shaky evidence based on what now seems to have been a coerced confession after a 50 hour non-stop grilling by 14 or more Italian police officers. More here from the UK's Mail Online. Their pursuit was relentless as they were trying to convict and convince a jury of her alleged crime of murdering Meredith Kercher. I'm sure they felt as if they left no stone unturned in their pursuit of the one they thought murdered this defenseless girl. I just hope that if Amanda Knox is not guilty, which it looks like she was not, that they now pursue with the same intensity whomever it was that committed this violent, heinous murder.
Amanda Knox in custody of Italian police during her trial for Meredith Kercher's murder 
You pursue that which you want. In this case, the pursuit was because the prosecutor truly believed he could get a conviction that stuck. Now, let me ask you, what are you pursuing? How big are the goals for your life? Are they large, extra-large, or maybe even God-sized? Those are the things you should be pursuing. Things that really matter. 

It will take a God-sized goal for you to be the father God wants you to be (See this Blog: I'm Tired of Being a Good Father) It will take a God-sized goal for you moms to raise your children as world changers. It will take a God-sized goal for you to share Jesus with those you know at work or at school or with your friends. These are all things that God must intervene if you are to make an impact that will last for all of eternity. Aren't you tired of the same old same old? Isn't it time you left the mundane part of life to someone else. Are you ready to step off into the great unknown and watch God use you in ways you could have never imagined? That is Pursuit of the Impossible. What is impossible with us, is possible with the all powerful God. Making things possible is all about power, and we don't serve a powerful God. We serve an ALL-POWERFUL God. That's why whatever might seem impossible in your life, is possible with the God of the Bible, our God.

Interestingly enough, we have a great example of that kind of belief that leads to prayer, that led to a great win for God and His people.The leader was Joshua, the event was a battle that was impossible to win, and a victory only possible if God suspended His laws of physics...talk about impossible. Regardless how impossible it seemed, Joshua pursued God for the impossible and then was audacious enough to pray for God to do the impossible. So, God did just that. If that is possible for Him, it is certainly possible for each one of who claim the name of Christ.

Here's three ways to get us to be able to accomplish the impossible in our lives.

Recognize that you need...
Help (Joshua 10:6-7)

The Gibeonites were now calling in the favor that they had asked of Joshua and the warriors of Israel, "PROTECT US!!" Here they are caught in between a rock and a hard place. They has chosen to place their trust in these new-comers instead of their age-old friends. Those who were their closest allies are now their worst enemies. There was no doubt that unless they got the help of Joshua, his army, and ultimately, his God there was no chance that they would survive the next 24 hours. They needed help. They couldn't do it on their own.

Let's look a moment at these pagan people. They had enough sense to call on a savior, Joshua (which means YAHWEH saves), to deliver them. These were people who were complete heathens, but knew who to call on for help in a time of crisis. Christ-followers, learn a lesson: when you need help, call on God. There is no one else who is able to help us in our time our trouble more than our very own Savior, Jesus. That is why we are told to
approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time. Hebrews 4:16 (HCSB)
Then you will be able to become audacious when you
Pray (Joshua 10:8-15)

Joshua and his soldiers marched all night to get to the 5 city-kingdoms they were called upon to defend the Gibeonites from. So, what was impossible, defeating the armies of 5 city-kingdoms at once, was now made more difficult with their weariness, but his strategy worked. The armies of the enemy were routed. There was only one problem: there was not enough time in the day to defeat all the enemy. Many had been destroyed, many had not. They were fleeing and would be around to fight another day. So Joshua recognized that and realized he also needed God's help in the pursuit. So he prays one of the most audacious prayers in history, "sun stand still." This was a simple prayer but an incredible act took place. According to both the Bible and another non-bibilcal text called the Book of Jashar, "So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed its setting almost a full day" (Joshua 10:13b). So you see, God does do the impossible. It doesn't take much faith to believe what God did. That's history. Your faith is really tested when You audaciously ask God to do it in your life. That is pursuing God to do the impossible.

Once you get to that point, I don't want you to miss this important part of pursuing the impossible:
Involvement. We've got to get right into the middle of what it is we are asking God to do. Otherwise, it's just wishful thinking. Joshua prayed. Then Joshua pursued. He got involved. That's what God wants you to do. If you aren't willing to get involved, then don't pray. We pray, God does what only He can do, so we can do what He wants us to do.

Then we can experience what it's like to see God
Win (Joshua 10:16-26)

God did the impossible. Joshua defeated the enemy. The Gibeonites were protected. And God purposes were accomplished. God won! He is a winning God! Deuteronomy 20 :reminds us:
God, your God, is right there with you, fighting with you against your enemies, fighting to winDeuteronomy 20:4 (MSG)
Here's a word of encouragement, never leave enemies around to come back and defeat you later. That's why God answered that prayer without hesitation. It was His will for the Israelites to possess Canaan. He promised they would. He keeps His promises. He did the impossible.

Our enemies aren't nearly so tangible. And in many ways aren't as easy to fight. Jesus fought them all in the desert against the most formidable opponent ever, Satan. Jesus won. We can too. Our enemies are the world system, the flesh and its appetites, and the pride of our station in life. It's what 1 John defines precisely for us:
Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from Him 1 John 2:16 (MSG)
These are our enemies. These are the things that want to destroy us. Trust in the winning God, the One who does the impossible to relentlessly pursue the enemies of our life, abundant life and utterly destroy them. That will truly be a Sun Stand Still moment.


Thinkin' 'Bout Oceanside
  •  Saturday Night Worship and Coffee - "A new time for this generation." We are asking the Lord to bring people to our Saturday night service. It begins at 8:00 p.m. We provide an open and casual atmosphere. We encourage people to bring their iPads, laptops, and smart phones to worship in order to provide feedback and prayer requests during the service. We are committed to a one hour service, although people can come early and stay late if they'd like. That's where we need you to be involved. Invite, invite, invite, invite. Some people can't make it Sunday morning and this is a great opportunity for you to invite them to Saturday night. You might need to go and get them and come with them to worship. You can make a difference in their life for eternity. Don't give up. Keep asking. Keep praying. Let's watch our God do a new thing.
  • Scare Mare - The days rapidly approaching. We are praying to have a large crowd attend, and that means we're going to need your help. If you're not involved, please do. We want to tell them that de3ath is real and salvation in possible with Jesus as their Savior. Begins October 28th and goes through 31st. Scare Mare, the scariest house you'll never forget!
  • Trunk or Treat - This year, we want to make a big deal of Jesus while providing a great opportunity for fun for the kids. Many of you have signed up to help and provide booths and candy and food and fun on October 31st. Let's keep providing this amazing event for our community and give them a REAL reason to celebrate.
In HOT PURSUIT of the Impossible, 

Pastor Trey Rhodes

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